The “HAAW HAYEE” moments in Padmavti.

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Pakistani people and censor board is so sensitive that they ban movies on tiny little things. They can ban Padmavat but they can show our gross movies proudly .

Living in a society where our censor board do not ban movies which consist of gross item songs which shows the Bollywood style, we can copy them but we cannot show them here in our cinemas. Its really good that Pakistan Film Industry have worked hard and now it is also getting fame Internationally.

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Our rivalry has grown so strong ….that we cannot tolerate for India to have an upper hand in anything, 

Pakistan Censor board banned Padmavat for showing Rani Padmavat as a fictional character crated by the a Sufi Muslim , and some renowned Indians historians have accord on it. Meanwhile, the Muslim Sultan Khilji had given a negative role, though he did some good deeds for Sub-continent, but who cares?


It was a political propaganda like Censor Board do not want India and Padmavat to get hype and fame from Pakistan, but still Pakistani people saw the movie through piracy and satisfied their need. Pakistani people argued to the Censor Board for not allowing Padmavti.


For a valiant Hindu Queen , who laid down her life to protect not just her dignity but also of the entire nation in a massive fire sacrifice , been shown as a brothel geisha ‘dancing’ in full public view, is an insult enough for a community that has forever been eager to lay down their lives in the duty of the nation .There is a thin line between artistic independence and parochial perversion of history.





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